Server Settings

This section allows the Web Admin to configure options which will be hidden from normal Console Users, but will affect the system in the background.

Email allows the Admin to activate/deactivate and configure the settings for email alerts on violations. If a policy is created with the email option enabled, the address specified here will be alerted when that policy is triggered. The settings can be tested without triggering a policy by selecting Save and Send Test Email.

Licence allows the Admin to activate AB Tutor, or change the licence the system is running under. This is most useful for moving from a Trial to a Full Licence.

  • Trial activations require an username and password to register and will run for 30 days before expiring.
  • Full Licence activations can be done either with an username and password, or with a licence key (which can be found on your account page on

Proxy settings can be added here if required before activation. AB Tutor only accesses the internet for licence verification, so very little traffic will be sent.

Sync allows you to create automatic sync jobs with Active Directory. These can check an OU and keep the members of an AB Group synchronised, or they can check an OU and create users with specific roles. Multiple sync jobs of either type can be created. More details are on the AD Sync page.

Certificate signing allows automated signing rules to be set up for new clients. This should only be used for very short lived VMs which are spawned and deleted on demand. If normal computers are signed with this, they will eventually be lost when the certificate expires and will not be recoverable.

Archives shows all the event archives which have been created. From here, closed archives can be mounted, allowing their events to be viewed in the Console. You can also delete closed archives if required.

Archive Settings allows the archiving system to be configured. You can set how old events have to be before they are added to the archive, how big archives can be before they're closed and how long closed archives last for before they are deleted.

Advanced allows alternative hostnames to be configured - this is required if you have DNS entries other than the server's hostname and abcs pointing to the server. You can also set up the timeouts for when the server considers clients or consoles to be lost. These are set to the minimum possible by default, but can be increased if you have network interruptions causing computers to disappear and reappear when they shouldn't.